March 28th- April 3rd, 2016
It was my first time seeing the lake with ice still on it's surface. I had some mixed feelings about this trip having to constantly remind myself that I couldn't go swimming or fishing. Yet it was also very humbling to see another side of nature that I knew existed, but never experienced here. 
We had just left my Grandma Grace's down in southern Missouri. We drove 6 hours south, then another 6 hours back north through Kansas City, and then another 6 hours to Sioux Falls South Dakota to spend the night. he next morning we drove the additional 4 and a half hours to Battle Lake. Every mile was slightly cooler and a bit more like winter. 
While we were visiting my Grandma, Spring was making it's appearance. We saw blossoms forming, greenery coming back to life, and the air no longer had a bite to it. The contrast of this was expected in Minnesota as we packed our winter coats and long pants. To our surprise, the few days we were there felt warm enough that we could wear pants and a light jacket. On occasion, if we were working we could wear a t-shirt.
Dad and Connor worked on flipping the boat over and inspected it for repairs and maintenance. The sun melted almost all the ice away from the shore line, which was very low. Across the lake, we could make out blurry sights of bald eagles sitting on floating patches of ice, just keeping their distance. 
It was so calm and quiet due to the lack of neighbors or tourists on their boats and jet skis. "I could get used to this" ran through my mind a lot. There were some small sights of Spring. I could see green moss that was poking up out of the ground, and some of the grass was even starting to show color. The trees remained rather bare, making it very bright in the wooded part of our property. It's interesting how far you can see through the woods when there are no leaves in the way. Our property felt rather naked and vulnerable for a change. 
This trip gave me more of an appreciation for Battle Lake. I grew up going there with expectations of fun and a good time; associating those things with vibrant activities outdoors. This trip was reverent. We spent a lot of time together inside even, because it got chillier than we were used to at night. I learned that there was in fact more to love about this place and that it happened every year while I was always away. I felt blessed to see a glance of it's other personality.
Spring: Weekend Trip
April 29th - May 1st, 2016
This was another "work trip" that was primarily for building onto our cabin. We had plans for a screened in room that would make for a nice outdoor sitting area. As much as we love living together in 12 x 24 feet, this would provide us a little more wiggle room. 
Once we got to our cabin, we were greeted with more sunshine this trip as well as buds on the trees. It's amazing to see how the season can change in a few weeks time! Everything felt more awake than it did before. Even "bird island," a small patch of land in Fergus Falls, was buzzing again as hot reals estate. My whole childhood, I wanted to get a canoe and float to it, but since then have changed my mind after realizing the unsanitary situation I would be in if I stood under a tree full on hundreds of birds. 
After a lot of digging, we laid out the platform for our screened in room out of old (but still very nice) dock pieces my Dad made years ago. Each one is carpeted and made a perfect floor addition to our cabin.It was nice to be outside, but I missed wearing my sandals and shorts. Later that day, I did some slight clean up of my Dad's in-ground stairs, which looked intact, while Dad and Connor worked on the boat. We also hauled out one of our docks pieces in preparation for going out on the water. The guys were able to get the boat into the water and through lots of determination and clean up from a mice infestation under the seats, we went for a boat ride. Connor was brave enough wade out in the chilly water to attach the motor. It was such a feeling of joy to be able to establish ourselves on the lake with a real boat and a motor. We were aching to go fishing...
Later that evening, I walked down to the shore. The sunsets are always brilliant on the lake. Each one puts on a different show, but with the same kind of beauty. It is a tradition of mine to take a sunset picture at the end of each day. I'm not sure why I do it, but I make a serious effort to run down to the waters edge and say goodnight to the lake. I hope to eventually create a photo book or collage of all the sunsets I have ever captured here, and then display it in our cabin.  These sunset pictures were a bit more special since they were the first images of our boat on the shore. It looked so perfect. 
When we were on our way out of town, there were flags up and down the streets. We didn't have time to stop but it looked like some sort of memorial. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. Further on our journey home, we passed my Dad's favorite building on the side of the road. A small cabin-like home, that stands alone now in the middle of a field. We spoke with a visitor center employee who oddly enough was born in the same house on the hill. It was nice to talk to another person who had a great appreciation for such a simple structure.

Late Spring
May 25th- 30th, 2016
By the time we got to Fergus Falls, we rode the rest of the way with pvc pipe up to our eyeballs in the van. We were going to add more to our little screened in room this trip, hoping to get the structure put together for when we returned over Fourth of July. This was not the first time we had to stop at Home Depot on our way to the cabin, but it was probably the largest pick up order we have ever made! 
Going to Battle in late May is always a treat because nature is finally fully awake! The fish are active, the grass is long and lush, and not to mention the dragonflies are especially present. We love dragonflies because they eat mosquitoes and other annoying flying insects. This trip I captured a rather large dragonfly chomping down on a plump horse fly in the clearing. 
One of the neighbors was jogging across the main road and she encountered a young button buck deer. It then followed her all the way back to her cabin, which is next door to ours. It gently made its way between the properties and nosed up to us. Sometimes, it seemed playful and it pranced through the clearing going back and forth. At one point, it stopped and just looked at the water for a minute. I wonder what it was thinking about or if it realized where it was. I would like to think it was appreciating the lake like we all do from time to time. After it was done gazing at the water, our new friend came back up our path and stopped to eat some grass next to my foot. I wanted to touch it so badly, but was also afraid to. My Grandma was standing outside, but hadn't seen the deer yet. When we brought it to her attention, she ever so kindly held out her hand and the young buck nibbled on her jacket sleeve a little. Eventually, the deer went off in a different direction; probably to munch on other yummy leaves and grass. I secretly was hoping it would come back the rest of that trip. It was pretty magical.
After working our rears off putting together the pvc pipe, we decided to go fishing. It had started raining some, but we were determined to have a little fun this trip! We got our trash bag ponchos on, and headed out. We only caught a bass and a bluegill, but it was worth it! We managed to do a little fishing later on and cleaned our catch and had a decent sized fish fry. We so badly wanted to go swimming, but the water was just a tad too cold still. It was nice enough out to lay on the dock under the sun. That was good enough for us!
I again found myself sad to leave, but was reassured to know we would be coming back soon. 
July 1st- 10th, 2016
It feels good to be home! After an exhausting defeat of getting my cats to the vet, we drove to our home away from home. This trip we were joined by my sister Laura and my brother in-law, Graham. It was finally a trip where we could relax a little. After setting up my hammock, we evaluated the boat situation. We definitely made more time to go fishing, which made my Dad and Connor pleased. 
In addition to our boat fishing, we also made a drive to Phelps Mill. It was a pretty successful trip except for a rather annoying snapping turtle who kept trying to eat our catch through the fish basket. I periodically had to jab at him with the end of my pole. He was very persistent! My Dad caught a little perch; something we don't see much of anymore as well as a nasty little northern (we see at least one every trip). I love going to Phelps Mill because the greenery is always so beautiful! 
Later on our trip, we had some very interesting weather displays. One of the thousands of reasons I love the lake is how you can watch weather across the water as it is happening. If there is an upcoming rainstorm, you can see the rain as it falls from the sky, all while remaining dry where you stand. For Independence Day, we sat on the end of our single dock and watched as people shot off fireworks every now and then. There were not many on display as a thunderstorm was rolling in. We sat in awe as on one side of the lake there was a sunset with a patch of blue sky above even though it was about 9:30 PM. On the other end of our view were dark clouds and strikes of lightening. We probably shouldn't have been on the water but it was just too memorizing to walk away. Who needs fireworks when you have lightening? Not us! This was much better.
Before going home we managed to go fishing one more time in the reeds. It was such a beautiful day. There was a slight breeze which kept moving the boat around. It still was better than the 90 degree heat that awaited us back home. Of all the sights I have seen on Battle Lake, I finally saw the largest leech I have ever seen in my life! Not exactly something I was excited about, but it was definitely worth a photo.  
End of Summer
August 10th- 14th, 2016
Sadly, this was our last trip of the year. We had just a little less than a week to go and finalize everything for the winter (and fish/swim one last time). I wish I had taken more time to take pictures... but at the same time, when you live with a camera strapped to your neck it's important to remember to live in the moment. To be present with those around you. I really try to savor each second at the lake. Here are just a few moments from our last trip of 2016. 
Spring 2017
May 21st- 29th, 2017
It's a whole new year! I was more than ready to go back to Minnesota and dip my feet in the water. It has been calling me. This time, I have my first ever DSLR camera to capture it all.
As much as I wanted to get wet, the water was still a bit too chilly for full on swimming. It was also rather cloudy the whole time, yet each day we were blessed with enough sunlight for a sunset. The very first sunset of the trip was spectacular and felt like a warm greeting from the lake. That evening we noticed the mosquitoes were very much alive.
The next day, we worked on the docks. Connor and my Dad had been planning a way to make docks that one person could install in the water by connecting individual pieces together. Our old docks are really strong and carpeted, but incredibly heavy for even 4 people to lift into the water. While they worked, I sat with Grandma a lot and had some free time to snap photos of the area. The sun came and went throughout the day. Every now and then it glittered through the leaves. By sunset, we had a very warm glow for a few minutes, and then it was gone. The mosquitoes were back again that evening in full force. 
Later that week, Connor and I went for a walk up the trail to Little Mo Rd. We watched the martins as they dove like fighter jets after bugs. That afternoon, we went to the local welder, whom I refer to as the Lorax. He has a long beard and works in a shack- like structure off the main road. The name just seemed fitting. I noticed a neat old truck while Connor and I waited for my Dad to drop off a part to be welded. After that, it was just a small waiting game until the part was finished. 
We were all so relieved at how the dock pieces turned out. They looked even better than we could have imagined! We made each dock into two parts: a frame and then a top piece for each frame. It was the last day of the trip, and we finally got them all in the water. The sky looked down in approval as we placed the last top piece down. 
As we left to go home the following day, the sky was dark and dreary. I was already aching to go back. This next time, we would have docks that were as long as our neighbors and hopefully a boat and boat lift as well.

Mid Summer
June 24th- July 2nd, 2017
Hello again! I don't really take many pictures of myself... I guess that's what happens when you're the one taking all the photos of everything else.
In any event, we're back! This time, with  functioning docks and a boat lift! As planned, the dock pieces are light enough for one person (like myself) to carry into the water. We had to rearrange the pieces because the legs were not set up to optimum length. The longest legs needed to be on the end, but this switch was no issue. We were able to go fishing with ease and caught a good batch of fish. While at the reeds, there was a sun dog in the sky. Something I hadn't seen before! 
I set the minnow trap to try and save a little money. I caught somethin' alright... a crawdad. Between the crawdad and the snapping turtle last year, I am always on my toes with these critters! We let him go and he scuttled away. It was so pleasant to be able to sit on our docks and just "be." I think we had 3 fish fry meals this trip, which was probably more than our arteries needed, but when you can catch your own dinner, it's hard to complain. 
I definitely got up close and in touch with nature this trip. Between the mosquitoes on the surface of the lake and the plants, I was in my element. As always, looking forward to next time!
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